
Register your Young Actor for 12 Weeks of Fun and Learning about

Film and Stage

Each Session is 4 Weeks on Saturdays from 9:00am to 10:30am

$150 per 4 Week Session

Students Must Attend All Sessions


The course goals and objectives are met in this syllabus in multiple ways. When students practice script writing, they improve their language skills in both reading and writing. During role-play, students read scripts for main ideas, details, and interpretations. Students gain confidence and performance skills as they perform a dramatic interpretation of a script. In the improvisation section of the course, students improve listening comprehension, speaking comprehensibility, ability to cope with change, formation of ideas, critical thinking skills, confidence, and communicative skills. 

In planning and implementing their performance, students develop rapport with classmates, formulate and defend ideas, and perform in front of an audience. The sample materials reflect the types of activities that teachers can implement in this course. 
We are excited to share information about our program with you! In this Drama program, students will learn such skills as characterization, expressing emotion, projecting voice, so that others can hear them, body movement, and facial expressions, learning stage directions as well as becoming familiar with improvisation. Students in this program will perform a monologue and improvisations for the final project as part of a live competition.  

This program will help the young actor to improve their language skills, critical thinking skills, management of affective factors, communicative skills, and performance skills. This program is specifically designed to address those areas. The objectives are statements of more specific purposes; they address observable outcomes, are the basis for activities, and are the building blocks of goals for the bases of theater performance.
In this program, young actors will learn about and experience the many aspects of dramatic performance. They will learn how to write a script, perform improvisation, perform role-play, and put together the components of a show. 

A project-based curriculum is structured around preparing to complete a performance. In this curriculum, the performance is typically completed as a culminating activity for each unit or at the end of the program. In a performance-based curriculum, the content of the program is structured around the performance of the young actors. In this way, the curriculum is organized around performance. In incorporating these two curricula frameworks, this course prepares students to create their own public dramatic performance for parents/public at the end of the sessions. 

Theater Interpretation
Camera Ready
Understand Film and Stage
Monologue Development
Lighting and sound 
Creative Theater
Theater Games
Closing Showcase

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